Vantage FCM Powder Spray Booth
Compact and economical powder spray booth designed for small batch booth applications
Highly configurable powder spray booth offers a cost effective solution ideal for a range of powder coating applications from small batch booths for first-time powder coaters to large conveyorized booths for companies expanding production.
- Manufactured with fewer modules, while achieving high CFM capacity, saving money on the initial investment and operating costs.
- Wide collection of configurations available in 6000 CFM to 12000 CFM accommodating short-run, non-reclaim applications to long-run applications with recovery systems for manual or automatic operations.
- Designed to contain powder in all configurations, while operating at reduced noise levels.
- Vertically mounted cartridge filters increases filter life and heightens peak performance.
Automated Filter Maintenance:
Adjustable time based, reverse-pulsing of filters for longer life and optimum booth air flow. Showerhead valve provides superior cartridge cleaning
Cartridge Filters:
Premium 48-inch polyester filters for superior filtration operation, longer filter life and minimum powder retention
No Ductwork or Explosion Venting Required:
Air used to contain and recover powder overspray passes through the primary cartridge filter and final filter, exhausting clean air into the workplace
Optional Fluidized Powder Recovery Hopper:
Allows for a cleaner operation and easier powder transfer reducing the need for unnecessary cleaning and manual handling
UL 508-Compliant Control Panel:
Full-function UL 508-compliant control panel with safety interlock comes standard on all models
Fast and Easy Installation:
Module is shipped in sections for fast, easy on-site installation