Econo-Coat 1001 Powder Spray Booth
Compact and economical powder spray booth designed for small batch applications
Economized powder spray booth with an optional recovery system for applications involving small part dimensions. Ideal for coating wheels, small automotive parts and test panels used by material manufacturers.
- Manufactured to fit a working envelope of 3.75’ H x 2.5’ D, for manual and conveyorized applications, offering a compact footprint to maximize space.
- Safe and simple control panel which operates on a 110-volt electrical supply for fast and easy installation.
- Designed to contain powder and keep a clean working environment by returning clean air into the workplace by way of the final filter.
- Vertically mounted cartridge filters increases filter life and heightens peak performance.
Automated Filter Maintenance: Adjustable time based, reverse-pulsing of filters for longer life and optimum booth air flow. Showerhead valve provides superior cartridge cleaning.
Cartridge Filters: Premium 36-inch polyester filters for superior filtration operation, longer filter life and minimum powder retention
No Ductwork or Explosion Venting Required: Air used to contain and recover powder overspray passes through the primary cartridge filter and final filter, exhausting clean air
into the workplace
UL 508-Compliant Control Panel: Provides a simple power on/off switch, booth exhaust stop/start switches and cartridge-filter blow-down switch
Canopy: Optional polypropylene canopy for high performance and less manual cleaning